Tuesday, January 1, 2008

And So It Has Begun

Pre-Production is underway as I look for experts in the field to interview.

Currently seeking:

Nutritionists, Accupuncturists, Herbalists, Homepathic Dr's, M.D.s, Chiropractors, Teachers, Authors, Any and all Alternative Health Car Practitioners, And of course patients with success stories!

My Goal

Through my work as a documentary filmmaker I hope to inspire people and educate people. I want to show perspectives they may have never seen before. My next project will deal with the sorry state of health care in this country. After having both my parents die of cancer, I have learned that doctors are not God. They are trained to prescribe medicine, not to heal your body. Your body is full of toxins due to our terrible food supply, technology, air, etc. As long as you keep your body toxic, you will get sick. I believe in "alternative" medicine which treats your body as a whole. Pharmaceutical drugs only treat the symptom, but never the root cause. They are also highly toxic and cause more disease than they cure. As long as you take drugs, you will always be sick. There are many natural ways to heal your body through vitamins, cleansing, yoga, accupuncture, chiropractic care, being aware of your thoughts, mind and body work, etc. The drug companies capitalize on our ignorance of these natural methods and as long as we fall for these misleading advertisements, we will only get sicker and sicker. Cancer rates are higher than ever before. There are so many things you can do to prevent it that you may not be aware of. The goal of my next documentary will be to educate people on how they can prevent and cure cancer using natural medicine.

The History

I lost both my parents to cancer by the time I was 25 years old. I watched them both battle cancer for years while the doctors prescribed them more drugs, chemotherapy and radiation. My mom died 1 month before my college graduation. My dad was diagnosed with cancer 2 years later and died 6 months later.
I cannot describe the pain I feel at losing the most two most inspiring and amazing people I have ever known. I cannot describe the anger I feel towards the drug companies and he medical profession.
What I can do is use my talent as a filmmaker to make a difference and inform others that they do have options. You can cure yourself naturally. It is never too late.